Thursday, October 31, 2019

Jominy Hardenability test Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Jominy Hardenability test - Lab Report Example During testing, water was sprayed on one side of the steel bar when still hot so as to enhance a one-dimensional transfer of heat during cooling. Moving away from the end that was quenched made the temperature rate of change to be altered. The rate of cooling is observed being low as the temperature increases. When the hardness of the surface is measured as a distance function from the end, a profile of hardness was obtained. This profile can be applied to any specimen that is made from steel (Callister 4). Hardenability is, therefore different from hardness as hardness refers to a measure of the extent of resistance for a solid matter towards different types of permanent shapes whenever some amount of force is applied to the solid matter. The macroscopic hardness is hardness with intermolecular bonds that are strong. It occurs whenever the character of the solid matter under force appears to be complex. In this respect, there are a variety hardness measurements. These include indent ation hardness, scratch hardness, and rebound hardness (Bain 3).Comparing the experimental and published hardenability values, it is evidenced that the two pairs of curves are similar to each other. The curves have a similar gradient with just a few differences. These differences were brought about due to experimental errors. Some of the experimental errors came about due to air resistance, parallax, the heterogeneous trait of the calibration plate, faultiness of the Rockwell scale, and wrong calculation.... As widely cited, Hardenability is measured using the measurements of length. It serves the purpose of indicating how deep inside a material of given hardness can be obtained. This is one such vital property in welding and it is inversely proportional to the weldability of a material. This property can be demonstrated in a case where whenever a work piece that is made of steel is quenched; the contact area having water is suddenly cooled and it is often evened out of the given medium. On the contrary, the internal depth of the medium, fails to cool in a rapid in a rapid way and the work pieces inside, cool at a slow rate allowing the austenite to change into a structure besides martensite. The main effect is that the resulting component would be a work piece with different crystal structures, having a hard shell and a core considered being soft and hard for the entire structure. In this case, the softer core is a combination of cementite and ferrite such as the pearlite. In ferrous al loys such as steel, hardenability is a component of the carbon content and other different elements of the alloy. The other alloying elements have relatively important including the calculation using the equivalent material’s carbon content. In quenching, the fluid used facilitates the rate of cooling for the materials as a result of the changing thermal conductivity and specific heat. Components such as water and brine that have the ability to cool faster than oil and air (Callister 9). Apart from this, whenever a fluids are agitated, their rate of cooling is fast. In other cases, the part geometry influences the rate of cooling rate for two samples having different volumes. This means that the material

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Interpersonal Relationship and True Friend Essay Example for Free

Interpersonal Relationship and True Friend Essay Tens of thousands, or one million? How many people will we meet in a whole lifetime, and how many of them do we have relationships with? Every person is born into a family without their choice, so they try to keep a good relationship with all family members to live happily, but sometimes it can be a misfortune for some people to get along with family members. However, we can choose to have good a relationship or not with acquaintances. Ive met with lots of people, sometimes I don’t get the chance to introduce myself, sometimes I had a good time with them, Sometimes I was disappointed by their behavior, and decided to say good-bye forever. There are many characteristics that determine whether a person is a friend or acquaintance. Considering my experiences, there are three types of acquaintances: true friends, ex-friends, and temporary acquaintances. I believe for a person to be considered a true friend they must be trustworthy and loyal. Someone whom will always stick by your side through thick and thin and would not sell you out. A true friend needs to be fair, caring, and loving. A true friend is someone who can make you smile or laugh; a person that will make you happy when you are sad. However, a true friend needs to be honest and must be able to tell you the truth even if it isn’t pleasant to hear. A true friend needs to be able to tell you something that you might not want to hear. At the same time, a true friend needs to be someone who wont try to change the way a person is and needs to be able to accept different personalities and characteristics. A true friend must know that it is very hard to gain trust; however. it is easy to lose it. People might say that a life without a true friend is no life at all. On the other hand there are people who I can’t say are friends anymore, so I consider them ex-friends. I was once close to them because of good times, humor, first impression, or similar interests, but later found out they used me, lied, and were selfish. I sometimes felt resentful, and realized I had better

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Crude Drugs: Pharmacognostic Investigation

Crude Drugs: Pharmacognostic Investigation Introduction Microscopical examination and pharmacognostic evaluation of phyto drug may not apparently bear any direct co-relation with pharmacological and phytochemical evaluations. One should always remember that botanical identity of the phyto drug is an essential pre-requisite for undertaking the analysis of medicinal properties of any plant. If botanical identity of drug happens to be doubtful the entire phytochemical and pharmacological work on the plant becomes invalid. Thus the botanical identity of a crude drug threshold in the process of pharmacological investigations. Pharmacognostic Evaluation A systematic pharmacognostic study was carried out on the herbal drugs selected, to describe them more scientifically and to identify specific characteristics, if any, which will be helpful in the quality assurance and standardization of these plant drugs. Leaf Constants Determination of Stomatal Index Stomatal index is the percentage which the number of stomata form to the total number of epidermal cells, each stoma being counted as one cell. Stomatal index was be calculated by using the following equation. I = S X 100 E+S I=Stomatal index, S=No. of stomata per unit area, E=No. of epidermal cells in the same unit area. Middle part of the leaf was cleared by boiling with chloral hydrate solution. The lower epidermis was peeled by means of forceps and mounted on the slide with glycerine water. Camera lucida and drawing board were arranged for making drawings to scale. A square of 1mm was drawn by means of stage micrometer. The slide with cleared leaf (epidermis) was placed on the stage. The epidermal cells and stomata were traced out. The number of stomata present in 1sq mm area was counted. (Stomatal Number). The result for each of the ten fields was recorded and the average number of stomata per was calculated. The stomatal index was determined using the above formula. The slides were prepared for Gynandropsis gynandra,(fig.2). The Stomatal number and Stomatal index values are given in Table.2. Determination of Vein-Islet Number Vein-islet is the small area of green tissue surrounded by the veinlets. The vein-islet number is the average number of vein-islet per square millimeter of a leaf surface. It is determined by counting the number of vein-islets in an area of 4 of the central part of the leaf between the midrib and the margin. A portion of leaf was cleaned by boiling in chloral hydrate solution for about thirty minutes and slide was prepared. Camera lucida and drawing board were arranged for making drawings to scale. Stage micrometer was arranged on the microscope and using 16 mm objective, a line was drawn equivalent to 1 mm as seen through the microscope. A square was constructed on this line. The patter was moved so that the square is seen in the eye piece, in the centre of the field. The slide with the cleared leaf epidermis was placed on the stage. The veins which are included within the square were traced off, completing the outlines of those islets which overlap adjacent sides of the square. The number of vein islets in 1sq mm was counted. (The slides were prepared for Gynandropsis gynandra,(fig.5)). The average number of vein islets in the four adjoining squares gave. The Vein islet number.(Table -3) Determination of Palisade Ratio Palisade ratio is the average number of palisade cells beneath one epidermal cell of a leaf. It is determined by counting the palisade cells beneath four continuous epidermal cells. A piece of the leaf was cleared by boiling in chloral hydrate solution for about thirty minutes and slide was prepared. Camera lucida and drawing board were arranged for making drawings to scale. Using 4mm objective, the outlines of four cells of the epidermis were traced off. The palisade layer was focussed and sufficient cells were traced off to cover the tracings of the epidermal cells. The outlines of those palisade cells which are intersected by the epidermal walls, were completed. The palisade cells under the four epidermal cells were counted. The average number of cells beneath a single epidermal cell was calculated. (The slides were prepared for Gynandropsis gynandra,(fig.8). The determination was repeated for five groups of four epidermal cells from different parts of the leaf. The average of the results gave the palisade ratio. (Table-4) Histology of Gynandropsis gynandra: Midrib of Leaf: The transverse section of midrib of Gynandropsis gynandra Linn comprises of the epidermis, cortex, endodermis and vascular bundles. (fig.13) Upper epidermis: Comprises of barrel shaped cells which are closely packed, devoid of chloroplast and possess glandular trichomes. Cortex: Below the epidermis layers of cortical cells are present which are made up of polygonal parenchymatous cells. Endodermis: Endodermis is made up of rectangular barrel shaped cells with casparian thickenings. Pericycle: Below the endodermis three layered pericycle is present which is made up of parenchymatous cells. Vascular Bundles: A four to five layered phloem tissue is present that is made up of thinwalled phloem parenchymatous cells and phloem companion cells. Xylem tissue is made up of xylem elements, xylem parenchyma and xylem companion cells. Lower Epidermis: Is made up of polygonal cells which are closely packed together. 2.4.2 Stem: Transverse section of Gynandropsis gynandra Linn stem comprises of epidermis, exodermis, cortex, endodermis and vascular bundles. (fig.14) Epidermis: External layer with tightly joined cells that are devoid of stomata. This layer is usually termed as rhizodermis. It is also known as epiblema. This layer with covering trichomes dries and its place is taken by typical secondary boundary tissue called exodermis having glandular trichomes. Exodermis: This layer is present below the epidermis and is often regarded as a protective layer. The walls of the cells become suberized. Eames, in 1947, regarded this as hypodermis; Foster and Guttenberg, in 1943, gave it the name exodermis because of the presence of suberin in its walls. The suberin lamella develop on the inner side of the primary wall. They differ from cork cells since they contain protoplasmic contents. Cortex: The cortex is comparatively simple in histology and is generally composed of thin walled cells with lots of intercellular spaces. The cells are arranged in concentric layers with cells in each layer alternating with others. Endodermis: It is a distinct layer of cells differentiated from the innermost layer of cortex. The layer is uniseriate, made up of barrel shaped cells. Casparian strips are present radially. Pericycle: Below the endodermis, a few layers of parenchymatous cells are present which make up the pericycle. Vascular Bundles: The stem exhibits secondary growth, hence a complete ring of cambium is formed. A distinct secondary phloem is visible on the outer side. There is outer fascicular cambium which is made of parenchymatous cells. The phloem consists of phloem fibres, sieve tubes and companion cells. The secondary xylem shows distinct vessels and forms a continuous band interrupted here and there by narrow rays which are uniseriate. The secondary xylem constitutes a large portion of the bundles; it is present on the inner side and consists of vessels with simple perforated tracheids with a few simple pits on radial walls and some xylem parenchyma. Pith: Thin walled or thick walled cells filled with tannin and crystals of gypsum constitute the small pith. Stomata: Anisocytic or cruciferous (unequal) type of stomata which occurs in Capparadaceae family. The stoma is usually surrounded by three or four subsidiary cells, one of which is markedly smaller than the others. (fig.15) Physico Chemical Evaluation of Crude Drugs Extractive Values Extractive values are useful for evaluation of crude drugs and give an idea about the nature of chemical constituents present in them. The amount of extractive a drug yields to a given solvent is often an approximate measure of a certain constituent or group of related constituents the drug contains. In some cases the amount of a certain constituent or group of related constituents the drug contains, in some cases the amount of drug soluble in a given solvent is an index of its purity. The solvent used for extraction should be in a position to dissolve quantities of substances desired. Determination of Alcohol Soluble Extractive 5 g of macerated and air-dried coarse powder of drug was mixed with 100 ml of 95% alcohol in a closed flask and kept for 24 hours, shaking frequently during the first 6 hours and then allowed to stand for 18 hours. Thereafter, it was filtered rapidly taking precautions against loss of the solvent. About 25 ml of the filtrate was evaporated to dryness in a tared, flat-bottomed shallow dish, dried at 105o C and weighed. The percentage of alcohol-soluble extractive was calculated with reference to the air-dried drug. Determination of Water Soluble Extractive Proceeded as directed for the determination of alcohol soluble extractive, using chloroform water I.P. as a solvent. Determination of Chloroform Soluble Extractive Proceeded as directed for the determination of alcohol soluble extractive, using chloroform as solvent. Determination of Petroleum Ether Soluble Extractive Proceeded as directed for the determination of alcohol soluble extractive, using petroleum ether as a solvent. (Table 6) Loss On Drying About 5 g of powder was accurately weighed, placed in a petri-dish and dried in hot-air oven at 110Â ° C for four hours. After cooling, it was placed in a desiccator. The loss in weight was recorded. This was repeated till constant weight was obtained and % Loss on Drying was calculated with reference to the air-dried drug. (Table 7) Determination of Ash Values Ash values are helpful in determining the quality and purity of crude drugs in powdered form. Ashing involves an oxidation of the components of the product. The total ash usually consists of inorganic radicals like carbonates, phosphates, silicates and silica of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. A high ash value is indicative of contamination, substitution or adulteration. Sometimes, inorganic variables like calcium oxalate, silica, carbonate content of crude drug affects total ash values; such variables are then removed by treating with acid (as they are soluble in hydrochloric acid) and then acid-insoluble ash value is determined. Ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid is the residue obtained after extracting the total ash with hydrochloric acid. This acid-insoluble ash value particularly indicates contamination with silicious materials like earth or sand. Water-soluble ash is that part of the total ash content which is soluble in water. It is a good indicator of either previous extraction of water soluble salts in the drug or incorrect preparation. For the determination of various ash values viz. total ash, acid-insoluble ash, water-soluble ash, the shade dried parts of the selected plant materials were powdered and passed through sieve no:40 and studies were carried out. The values vary within fairly wide limits and is therefore an important parameter for the purpose of evaluation of crude drugs. Determination of Total Ash A flat, thin porcelain crucible was weighed and ignited. About 2 g of the powdered drug was taken into the crucible. The crucible was incinerated at temperatures not exceeding 4500C, until free from carbon.The crucible was cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The procedure was repeated to get constant weight.The percentage of total ash was calculated with reference to the air dried drug. (Table No.8) Determination of Acid-insoluble Ash The total ash obtained was boiled with 25 ml of 2 M hydrochloric acid for 5mins. The insoluble ash was collected on an ashless filter paper and washed with hot water. The insoluble ash was transferred to a pre-weighed silica crucible, ignited, cooled, weighed and procedure was repeated to get constant weight. The percentage of Acid-insoluble ash of the crude drug was calculated with reference to the air-dried sample of the crude drug. (Table No.9) Determination of Water-soluble Ash The total ash obtained was boiled in 25 ml chloroform water for five minutes. The insoluble ash was collected on an ashless filter paper and washed with hot water. The insoluble ash was transferred into pre-weighed silica crucible, ignited for 15 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 450o C. The crucible was cooled, weighed and the procedure was repeated to get constant weight .Weight of the insoluble matter was subtracted from the weight of the total ash. The difference of weight was considered as the water-soluble ash. The percentage of water-soluble ash was determined with reference to the air-dried drug. (Table No.10) Fluorescence analysis of the crude drugs: Many crude drugs show fluorescence when the sample is exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Evaluation of crude drugs based on fluorescence in daylight is not much used, as it is usually unreliable due to the weakness of the fluorescence effect. Fluorescence lamps (366 nm) are fitted with suitable filters, which eliminates visible radiation from the lamp and transmits ultraviolet radiation of definite wavelength. Several crude drugs show characteristic fluorescence useful for their evaluation. (Table No.11) Total Solid Content About 5 g of extract was accurately weighed in a petri-dish and kept in a hot-air oven and maintained at 110Â °C for four hours. After cooling, the loss in weight was recorded. This procedure was repeated till constant weight was obtained. (Table No. 12) Total solid content (%) = Loss in weight x 100/W W = Weight of the extract in grams Extraction Maceration The powdered materials were extracted with alcohol (95%) by cold maceration method. Weighed quantity of powdered crude drugs were taken into round bottom flasks with alcohol, in the drug to solvent ratio 1:3 and kept for maceration for a period of 7 days. Finally the flask was left undisturbed for 12 hrs and then the contents were shaker and filtered through Whatman filter paper No.1. The marc was re-extracted with drug solvent ratio of 1:2. The extracts were combined and concentrated in a rotary flash evaporator, till free from solvent. The extracts, thus obtained were stored in a refrigerator at 40C until used. (Table No.13) Qualitative Phytochemical Screening A spectrum of natural compounds like alkaloids, glycosides, tannis, essential oils and other similar secondary metabolites which exert physiological activity are synthesized in the plant, in addition to the carbohydrates, proteins and lipids utilized by man as food articles. A systematic and complete study of crude drugs should include a thorough investigation of both primary and secondary metabolites derived as a result of plant metabolism. The different qualitative chemical tests are to be performed for establishing profile of a given extract/fraction for its nature of chemical composition. The following tests were carried out on the extracts to detect various phytoconstituents present in them. Detection of Alkaloids About 50 mg of solvent free extract was stirred with little quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid and filtered. The filtrate was tested carefully with various alkaloid tests viz., Mayers Test, Wagners Test, Hagers Test, Dragendroffs Test Detection of Carbohydrates About 100mg of the extract was dissolved in 5 ml of distilled water and filtered. The presence of carbohydrates were tested by Molischs Test, Fehlings Test, Barfoeds Test and Benedicts Test Detection of Glycosides For detection of glycosides, about 50 mg of extract was hydrolyzed with concentrated hydrochloric acid for 2 hrs on a water bath, filtered and the hydrolysate was subjected to the Glycoside testa viz., Borntragers Test, Legals Test, Detection of Saponins Foam or Froth Test Detection of Proteins and Amino Acids About 100 mg of extract was dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water and filtered through Whatmann No.1 filter paper and the filtrate was subjected to tests for proteins and amino acids. Viz., Millons Test, Biuret Test, Ninhydrin Test Detection of Phytosterols and triterpenoids: Tested by Libermann Burchards and Salkwoski test Detection of Phenolic Compounds and Tannins Tested by Ferric chloride test, Gelatin test, Lead acetate test, Alkaline reagents, and Shinoda test or Magnesium Hydrochloric acid reduction Thin Layer Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography of extracts was done by using standard procedures and is mainly used for the detection of the nature of phytoconstituents present. Thin Layer Chromatography is a very effective technique for the separation of chemical constituents of an extract and for their identification. The history of TLC has been reviewed by various authors. A major breakthrough in this field was the commercial availability of convenient precoated plates in the early 70s Pharmacopoeias are increasingly employing this technique for assessing the quality and purity of compounds of both synthetic and natural origin. TLC profiles developed for an extract from a define solvent system and other parameters could be used as a fingerprint in comparative qualitative evaluation of herbal drugs. The trend of evaluation by this method is becoming popular in view of its simplicity and reproducibility. TLC is an important analytical tool in the separation, identification and estimation of different classes of natural products. In this technique, the different components are separated by the differential migration of solute between two phases a stationary phase and a mobile phase. Here, the principle of separation is adsorption and the stationary phase acts as an adsorbent. Depending on the particular type of stationary phase, its preparation and use with different solvents, separation can be achieved on the basis of partition or a combination of partition and adsorption. Preparation of Plates 100 g of Silica gel-G was weighed and made into a homogenous suspension with 200 ml of distilled water to form aslurry. The slurry was poured into a TLC applicator, which was adjusted to 0.25 mm thickness on flat glass plate of different dimensions (10 x 2, 10 x 5, 20 x 5, 20 x 10 cm etc.). The coated plates were allowed to dry in air, followed by heating at 100 105o C for 1 hour, cooled and stored in a dry atmosphere to protect from moisture. Before using, the plates were activated by heating at 100o C for 10 minutes. Detection of Steroids / Triterpenoids and their Glycosides Solvent systems used: Ethyl acetate: Methanol : Water 81 : 11 : 8 Ethyl acetate: Methanol : Water 75 : 15 : 10 Chloroform : Methanol : Water 70 : 30 : 4 Chloroform : Methanol : Water 64 : 50 : 10 n-Butanol :Acetic acid: Water 4 : 1 : 5 (upper phase) Benzene : Ethyl acetate 90 : 10, 80 : 20, 50 : 50 Chloroform : Methanol 95 : 5, 90 : 10, 80 : 20 Ethyl acetate: Methanol 90 : 10, 80 : 20, 50 : 50 Spray Reagents: 1) Vanillin Sulphuric acid (VS) reagent Solution I : 5% ethanolic sulphuric acid Solution II : 1% ethanolic vanillin The developed TLC plate was sprayed with 10 ml of solution I, followed immediately by 5-10 ml of solution II, then heate for 5-10 minutes at 100o C under observation. steroids / triterpenoids and their glycosides give blue, blue violet or pink colored spots. 2) Vanillin Phosphoric acid (VPA) reagent Solution a: 1 gm vanillin dissolved in 100 ml of 50% phosphoric acid Solution b: 2 parts 24 % phosphoric acid and 8 parts 2% ethanolic Vanillic acid After spraying with either solution a or b, the plate was heated for 10 minutes at 100o C Red Violet colour indicates the presence of steroids / triterpenoids and their glycosides. 3) Antimony (III) chloride reagent 20% solution of antimony (III) chloride The developed TLC plate was sprayed with reagent and then heated for 5-6 minutes at 100o C Red violet color in visible light; red violet, blue and green fluorescence in UV at 365 nm indicates the presence of steroids / triterpenoids and their glycosides. 4) Anisaldehyde sulphuric acid reagent 0.5 ml of anisaldehyde was mixed with 10 ml glacial acetic acid, followed by 85 ml of methanol and 5 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid, in that order. The developed TLC plate was sprayed with reagent, heated at 100o C for 5 10 minutes. steroids / triterpenoids and their glycosides give blue, blue violet or pink coloured spots. Detection of Flavonoids and their Glycosides Solvent systems used: Chloroform : Methanol 80:20, 70:30, 50:50 Ethyl acetate : Methanol: Water 81:11:8 n- Butanol : Acetic acid : Water 4 : 1 : 5 (upper phase) Ethyl acetate: Formic acid: Glacial acetic acid: water 100:11:11:27 Ethyl acetate: Formic acid: Glacial acetic acid: Ethyl methyl ketone: Water 50:7:3:30:10 Detection The developed TLC plate was observed in visible light and in UV at 365 nm. Flavonoids and their glycosides appear as yellow, dark blue, orange zones / spots. The color gets intensified on exposure of the plates to ammonia vapors. Detection of Alkaloids Solvent systems used Benzene : Ethyl acetate : Diethylamine 6:3:1 Toluene: Ethyl acetate: Formic acid 5:4:1 Detection: Dragendorffs reagent The developed TLC plate was sprayed with reagent and then heated for 5-6 minutes at 1000C, spot will be developed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Generation and Culture in Doce cuentos peregrinos Essay -- Garcia Marq

  Ã‚  Ã‚   An enormous sea serpent nailed by the neck to the door frame is also nailed at the beginning of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "El verano felà ­z de la Seà ±ora Forbes" from his novel "Doce cuentos peregrinos." This short story is an eloquent representation of the unconscious state of mind of dominance in which the result of previous concepts of life and costumes achieved are just vague figures trying to make up a non-abstract drawing that represent power. Generations and cultures are being confronted, characteristic of a dense ambient in which two different manners of applying the rules of society provoke an ironic reaction of rebellion that apply to a macrocosm. The title means "Miss Forbes's summer of happiness." The time of the year, the island surrounded by the dark blue sea, together with Miss Forbes's summer, narrate the environment in which the story is developed. The house is very small, and this helps to increase the tension that prevails from the start of the stor y to the end. There is a lot of repression. Many of the things are overwhelmed with rightness to agree with the normal kind of person that is used to live in an open society free of all kinds of discrepancies and orthodox methods of life. "Negra y fosforecente" (189) is the first impression that the story gives to the reader. This anticipates the darkness and at the same time vivid aspect that the story is going to have by describing the sea serpent on the door. The intense terror of seeing the "animal crucificado" (189) turns to a bigger matter that is entitled as the beginning of the long journey of hell that society is living in. The younger kid thinks that the moray "Tenà ­a ojos de gente" (191). He was still frightened; he saw the antecedents and consequenc... ...en once the rebellion took place. A courageous society takes all responsibility from its back whenever a major level goes down. As Garcia Marquez suggests, this determines a stabilized level of power where distinctions are to be created again to be taken to a macrocosm, and prove that rules, even in the highest level of hierarchy may be mistaken or not proper to the generation or culture that the society is living in.    Works Cited and Consulted Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. Doce cuentos peregrinos. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1992. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. Strange Pilgrims: Twelve stories by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Trans. Edith Grossman. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. Molinario, Nina L. Foucault, feminism and power: Reading Esther Tusquets. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press; London; Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, 1991. Generation and Culture in Doce cuentos peregrinos Essay -- Garcia Marq   Ã‚  Ã‚   An enormous sea serpent nailed by the neck to the door frame is also nailed at the beginning of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "El verano felà ­z de la Seà ±ora Forbes" from his novel "Doce cuentos peregrinos." This short story is an eloquent representation of the unconscious state of mind of dominance in which the result of previous concepts of life and costumes achieved are just vague figures trying to make up a non-abstract drawing that represent power. Generations and cultures are being confronted, characteristic of a dense ambient in which two different manners of applying the rules of society provoke an ironic reaction of rebellion that apply to a macrocosm. The title means "Miss Forbes's summer of happiness." The time of the year, the island surrounded by the dark blue sea, together with Miss Forbes's summer, narrate the environment in which the story is developed. The house is very small, and this helps to increase the tension that prevails from the start of the stor y to the end. There is a lot of repression. Many of the things are overwhelmed with rightness to agree with the normal kind of person that is used to live in an open society free of all kinds of discrepancies and orthodox methods of life. "Negra y fosforecente" (189) is the first impression that the story gives to the reader. This anticipates the darkness and at the same time vivid aspect that the story is going to have by describing the sea serpent on the door. The intense terror of seeing the "animal crucificado" (189) turns to a bigger matter that is entitled as the beginning of the long journey of hell that society is living in. The younger kid thinks that the moray "Tenà ­a ojos de gente" (191). He was still frightened; he saw the antecedents and consequenc... ...en once the rebellion took place. A courageous society takes all responsibility from its back whenever a major level goes down. As Garcia Marquez suggests, this determines a stabilized level of power where distinctions are to be created again to be taken to a macrocosm, and prove that rules, even in the highest level of hierarchy may be mistaken or not proper to the generation or culture that the society is living in.    Works Cited and Consulted Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. Doce cuentos peregrinos. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1992. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. Strange Pilgrims: Twelve stories by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Trans. Edith Grossman. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. Molinario, Nina L. Foucault, feminism and power: Reading Esther Tusquets. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press; London; Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, 1991.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Donne as a Metaphysical Poet Essay

Introduction During the past forty years there have been two major theories of language learning by children. But there are two major schools of thought known as, ‘Behaviorists’ and ‘Mentalists’. One school is of the view that language learning is entirely the product of experience and that our environment affects all of us. Others have suggested that everybody has an innate language learning mechanism. Let us discovery with the help of these two schools of thought that how do children acquire their mother tongue. How do they grow up linguistically and learn to handle the stylistics varieties of their mother tongue? How much of the linguistics system they are born with and how much do they discover from their exposure to language? a) The Behaviorist School B.F. Skinner and his followers are known as behaviorist. According to them language learning is process known as operant conditioning. Conditioned Behavior is behavior which is the result of repeated training. Operant means that it is voluntary behavior, it is result of learner’s own free will, and it is not forced by any outside person or thing. The learner demonstrates the new behavior first as a response to a system of reward or punishment, and finally as an automatic response. In order to prove their theory they conducted an experiment. EXPERIMENT They put a rat in a box containing a bar. If it presses a bar, it is rewarded with a pellet of food. Nothing forces it to press the bar. The first time it probably does so accidentally. When the rat finds that the food arrives, it presses the bar again. Eventually it finds that if it is hungry it can obtain food by pressing the bar. Then task is made more difficult. The rat only gets rewarded if it presses the bar while a light is flashing. At first rat is puzzled. Eventually it learns the trick. Then the task is made more difficult again. This time the rat only receives food if it presses the bar a certain number of times. After initial confusion it learns to do this also. And so on, and so on. Operant condition can be summarized thus STIMULUS RESPONSE REINFORCEMENT REPETITION In operant conditioned, reinforcement plays a vital role. There are two kinds of reinforcement: A) Positive Reinforcement Praise and rewards are positive reinforcement. Experiments have shown that positive reinforcement works much better in bringing about good learning. B) Negative Reinforcement Rebukes and punishments are negative reinforcement. The behaviorists also claim that we learn language by imitation and association. For example, a young child hears the word â€Å"water† with the actual thing. He then makes this sound himself, imitating what he has heard. His parents are pleased that he has learnt another word and so his response is reinforced. The thoughts of behaviorist school can well be understood according to following tree diagram. The Behaviorist School Language learning is Positive Imitation Operant conditioning and and Negative Association Reinforcement Noam Chomsky explicitly rejects the behaviorists’ position that language should be thought of as verbal behavior, arguing that it should be thought of as knowledge held by those who use language. Chomsky suggests that the learner of any language has an inbuilt learning capacity for language that enables each learner to construct a kind of personal theory or set of rules about the language based on very limited exposure to language. b) The Mentalist School Chomsky and his mentalist followers claim that a child learns his first language through cognitive learning. They claim that language is governed by rules, and is not a haphazard thing, as Skinner and his followers would claim. According to Chomsky, the child is born with a mental capacity for working out the underlying system to the jumble of sounds which he hears. He constructs his own grammar’ and imposes it on all the sounds reaching his brain. This mental grammar is part of his cognitive framework, and nothing he hears is stored in his brain until he has matched it against what he already knows and found a ‘correct’ place for it within this framework. Chomsky argues that language is so complex that it is almost incredible that it can be acquired by a child in so short a time. He says that a child is born with some innate mental capacity which helps the child to process all the language which he hears. This is called the Language Acquisition Device, and he saws it as comprising a special area of the brain whose only function was the processing of language. This function, he argues, is quite separate from any other mental capacity which the child has. When Chomsky talks about ‘rules’, he means the unconscious rules in a child’s mind these rules enables him to make grammatical sentences in his own language. Chomsky does not mean that a child can describes these rules explicitly. For example, a four or five year old child can produce a sentence like I have done my work; he can do that because he has a ‘mental grammar’ which enables him to form correct present perfect structures and also to use such structures in the right and appropriate situations. But he is unable to define the formation of present perfect tense. The thoughts of Mentalists can well be understood with the help of the following tree diagram. The Mentalists School Language learning Input Mental grammar Is an (own rules) Innate ability LAD Grammatical Output sentences Both the schools have said significant things, yet neither is perfect. The mentalists’ emphasis on the rule-learning is over enthusiastic, and the behaviorists’ rejection of meaning is entirely unjust. Language acquisition seems to be a process both of analogy and application, both nature and nurture. The differences between the empiricists approach and that of the rationalist can be summarized in the following manner: BEHAVIOURISTS APPROACH MENTALIST APPROACH Conclusion This comparative study makes one thing clear: nature and nurture, analogy and application, practice and exposure are important. Innate potentialities lay down the framework. Within this framework, there is wide variation depending on the environment. The kind of language that children ultimately grow into shaped by the culture-based responses of the family, if not in a way that can be called imitation, then at least in terms of things the child chooses to do with its language. But we should be wary of the idea that all children experience the same practices and follow the same development path as they grow into their language. Having been exposed to a small number of utterances, the child begins to extract the principles underlying the utterances and compose new utterances of his own. This is the way every child grammar to communicate in an intelligent manner. He makes mistakes and produces ungrammatical sentences. His elders correct him; he feeds the information into his mini-grammar, modifies some of the rules, and again produces new utterances. In a period of about four years, he is able to master and internalize all the essential rules of language. This is a proof that a child’s own rules of grammar are more important to him than mere imitation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Friend- Donna

It’s really fantastic to have friends because you can never get more amused than by communicating with them, and learning every little feature of their characters. Sometimes, they may seem annoying and tiresome, but overall you can stop being amazed at how nice those little annoying features make a person, and you don’t want to change them. My friend Donna is a great example of such a character. Her little flaws just make her even more perfect. Donna is simply too smart. Once you start talking to her, you realize that no matter how much you learn, she will always beat you. Can there be anything more annoying than realizing how inferior you are in comparison with her? Another annoying feature you notice at once is that Donna simply can’t stop making witty comments about anything she doesn’t approve of, and she keeps adding and adding more comments. One should be ready for lots of teasing if he wears some weird-looking hat, or didn’t have time to comb his hair. Donna simply can’t stop. She isn’t balanced at all. She has to point at everything what she finds funny and strange. Besides, Donna likes to give advice whenever she needs and doesn’t need to do that. She thinks she analyzes everything so much better than anyone else does, so she wants to give advice to the whole world on any subject: when the best time to attend the hair-dresser is, how to budget money to get enough savings for a new super short dress, what kind of house to build, how to administer a beauty salon, what color of makeup to buy in this season. Donna drives people really crazy with her advice on any point. But perhaps her most annoying feature is that she is too crazy about herself. She wants to attract the attention to herself every second. Every single spare minute she looks in the mirror, and seems to admire the reflection too much. From time to time people have to wonder whether she is going to act in movies very soon- it is very possible she will finally achieve that. Donna just attracts attention to herself in all the situations, even when it’s not appropriate at all. Have you heard stories about how parties go when Donna arrives? Let me tell you one. Imagine everybody assembled at the birthday party, talking, eating, drinking, congratulating the birthday-boy, and not worrying about anything. Then the door opens, and Donna not walks but flies in. That’s her usual manner of walking- flying as if she has a couple of eagles carrying her on their wings. The world gets turned upside down at the party right away after Donna’s arrival. Everybody gets shut up, even the guy having a birthday party. Nobody even notices him anymore because the â€Å"real† star has arrived, and everybody is almost feeling her radiant beams. The party becomes completely centralized in Donna’s hands. Donna talks about everything what comes into her mind, and it’s always too interesting. It drives everyone crazy because Donna gets all the attention but nothing can be done about that. Here she is already checking the food supply and arranging on the telephone the order of some more food and drinks for the party because she sees that something is missing. She is running around the house bringing new dishes in. She invents a hundred different contests to entertain the guests at the party. She is telling anecdotes and making everyone fall off their chairs of too much laughing. One will never forget a birthday party with the participation of Donna. You might think she is crazy for having as much energy as a jet aircraft, but that is just the way she is. You will definitely find it annoying how she wants the world to turn around her- but she is really worth that! Have you ever seen Donna shopping in the store for her next party? That’s a show to see. It looks as if she is getting ready for her first ball like girls were getting ready in England many centuries ago. At that time every girl thought that during the first ball she will meet her future husband. She had to prepare very carefully. Donna is the same way, but about every party. Everything needs to be too perfect from her point of view. She will not buy a dress unless it fits her like a princess. Donna can waste hours and go from one store to another driving sales girls crazy with her requests, but she will eventually find something what will make her a goddess. The sales girls will be sweating from carrying more and more clothes to Donna to try. But she doesn’t care how many items she has to try on. She stands near the mirror and gazes at herself for as much time as she wants. Donna knows will get her dream-dress this way or another. One always gets amazed where she finds all that stuff, but she somehow does. It’s really annoying that Donna wants everything in her life to be so perfect. However, it makes her really cute. She is just different from others. Donna is certainly an outstanding character. Even though some of her features are really annoying, they seem that way to many people only because they envy her. They envy Donna’s industriousness, her thirst for knowledge and perfection, and her insatiable energy. Some people even suspect she is out of this world because she is never sad, always in a great mood, and willing to change everything what she considers not perfect enough. Everybody who knows Donna well is already used to those features of her character, and simply neglects those which seem annoying in many ways. There are no perfect people in the world. That is why it’s just necessary to take people the way they are. Donna definitely rings sunshine into the world. Everybody who knows her well can’t get enough of her. Whenever she is around, there is no stop for jokes and laugh. Nobody can be sad. If you ever want to get a smile on your face, just go see my friend Donna.

Spanish Phrases That Refer to Animals

Spanish Phrases That Refer to Animals Just as the phrase raining cats and dogs doesnt have much to do with the four-legged creatures, neither does the Spanish phrase levantar la liebre have much to do with hares - it has to do with figuratively exposing or shedding light on something. It seems that whatever the language, we like to talk about animals even when were really talking about something else. Here are more than a dozen Spanish phrases, most of them colloquial, that include the names of animals. You can communicate more like a native speaker if you use these phrases - just dont understand or translate them too literally! Caballo (Horse) Someone or something trying to do or be two different things at once can be said to be a caballo entre (like a horse between) those things. Turquà ­a est a caballo entre dos mundos: geogrficamente se ubica entre Europa y Asia, y culturalmente se encuentra desgarrada entre el islam y el Occidente. (Turkey has its feet planted in two worlds: Geographically it is located between Europe and Asia, and culturally it is torn between Islam and the West.) Cabra (Goat) Someone who is crazy, strange or weird can be said to be como una cabra (like a goat). Seguro que pensaron que estaba como una cabra. (Im sure they thought I was loony.) Elefante (Elephant) Como un elefante en una cacharrerà ­a (like an elephant in a pottery shop) is the equivalent of like a bull in a china shop. No entres como un elefante en una cacharrerà ­a. Tà ³mate tu tiempo e intenta recabar la informacià ³n necesaria para conocer la empresa. (Dont start out like a bull in a china shop. Take your time and try to gather the information needed to understand the business.) Gato (Cat) Someone who is extremely lucky by avoiding or recovering quickly from disasters can be said to tener ms vidas que un gato (have more lives than a cat). El joven ciclista demostrà ³ que posee ms vidas que un gato. (The young bicyclist showed he may get knocked down but is never out.) Incidentally, while we often talk about cats having nine lives, Spanish speakers seem to think they have seven or nine. If theres a hidden or secret reason for something occurring, we might say aquà ­ hay gato encerrado (here there is an enclosed cat). Sometimes the phrase is the equivalent of theres something fishy going on. The phrase may have come from centuries ago when money was sometimes hidden in a small bag made of cats fur. Supongo que Pablo se daba cuenta de que aquà ­ habà ­a gato encerrado, pero no sabà ­a nada de nuestro secreto. (I suppose that Pablo noticed that something unusual was happening, but he didnt know anything about our secret.) To do something daring or risky - often when nobody else is willing - is to ponerle el cascabel al gato (put the bell on the cat). Similar expressions in English include to take the plunge or to stick ones neck out. This phrase is quite common in political contexts. Despuà ©s de seis aà ±os de dudas, indecisiones, explicaciones y excusas, el presidente finalmente le puso el cascabel al gato. (After six years of hesitation, indecision, explanations, and excuses, the president finally took the plunge.) Liebre (Hare) Hares were once far more valuable than cats, so dar gato por liebre or meter gato por liebre (providing a cat instead of a hare) came to mean to swindle or dupe someone. Me dieron gato por liebre cuando intentà © comprar mi mà ³vil por internet. (They ripped me off when I tried to buy my cellphone online.) To lift the hare, levantar la liebre, is to reveal a secret or something that had not been known. In English we might let the cat out of the bag. Era la atleta que levantà ³ la liebre del dopaje. (She was the athlete who who exposed the secretive practice of doping.) Lince (Lynx) If someone can see extremely well or is very good at noticing fine details, you can say that person has the vista de lince (lynxs eyesight) or ojo de lince (lynxs eye). Its just as we can talk about someone being or having an eagle eye. The word for eagle, guila, works in these phrases as well. Uno de los voluntarios, que tenà ­a un ojo de lince, descubrià ³ el abrigo de la nià ±a en el bosque. (One of the volunteers, who had eagle eyes, found the girls raincoat in the forest.) Perro (Dog) If you believe someone is lying to you - or, colloquially, pulling your leg - you can respond with a otro perro con ese hueso (to another dog with that bone).  ¿Me dices que estudiaste toda la noche?  ¡A otro perro con ese hueso! (Youre telling me you studied all night? Baloney!) Pollo (Chicken) In English, you might sweat like a hog, but in Spanish its sweating like a chicken, sudar como un pollo. Esa noche sudà © como un pollo. Creo que perdà ­ dos kilos. (That night I sweated like a pig. I think I lost 2 kilograms.) In Colombia, a popular sauce-covered chicken dish is known as pollo sudado (sweated chicken). Tortuga (Turtle) In English, if were slow we might do something at a snails pace, but in Spanish its a turtles pace, a paso de tortuga. Los trabajos para la construccià ³n del nuevo mercado pà ºblico marchan a paso de tortuga. (Work toward the construction of the new public market is proceeding at a snails pace.) Tigre (Tigre) If something is more of the same to the point where it becomes irrelevant or nearly so, you can call it one more stripe for the tiger, una raya ms al tigre or una mancha ms al tigre. Aunque para muchos es simplemente una raya ms al tigre, me importa mucho su compromiso. (Although for many it doesnt make much difference, her promise matters a lot to me.)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom The Aggressor in the Family essay

buy custom The Aggressor in the Family essay Domestic violence continues until behaviors of infidelity come to an end. In the worst cases, it continues long after the spouse has stopped engaging in unfaithful behaviors. This is because the other spouse may not have completely lifted the burden of the offense caused off his heart. In most cases, such a cause of domestic violence is very serious and a third party may need to interrupt. The worst scenario is whereby such violence ends up in divorce. Through personal reasons, one of the parties in the family becomes the aggressor. The aggression may be caused by various factors. The aggression may emanate from one family member or it may involve an all against all kind of situation. In most cases, his kind of problem becomes very difficult to deal with. This type of violence may take the form of fights whereby family members intentionally hurt each other, physically, emotionally and psychologically. Physical or mental illness is a common cause of personal aggression in the family. The remedy to this problem is medical attention. Some of the mental conditions that lead to aggression in the family include schizophrenia and Alzheimers disease. Family members may not realize that a mental condition is fuelling the violence until it is too late. Carlson (1984) observes that people who use alcohol or drugs are also a cause of domestic violence in their respective families. This is a personal problem thaat can be remedied simply through a change of behavior. Unfortunately, it is never as simple as that. Alcohol and drugs are not only highly addictive; they take away a huge chunk of a familys resources. One family member may drain all the familys resources by buying drugs, leading to a domestic quarrel. An individual who has been exposed to domestic violence all his life may expose the same behavior towards his family. This is because that individual has been conditioned to a life of violence since early childhood and beyond. For such a person, it is difficult to understand what that there may be another form of life other than one that is characterized by violence. In this case, violence may reign as long as the family exists. Buy custom The Aggressor in the Family essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Social Security - Essay Example The funds are formally entrusted to the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Medical Insurance Trust Fund. These bodies comprise the Social Security Trust Funds. Only with a few exceptions, all salaried incomes in the United States have SECA taxes or FICA taxes collected on them. In addition, all legal residents of the United States working within its boundaries now have a Social Security Number and are beneficiaries of the trust fund with just a few exceptions. In essence, almost all legal residents of the United States, both working and non-working, have the Social Security Number. This is because the number is needed to do almost all basic things in the states; from acquiring a job to paying taxes to IRS (Harbotle & Weigand, 2013). Social Security Program did not arrive in America until 1935. There was, however, one precursor that signified the current Social Security Program to a section of Americans before the arrival of the contemporary program of social security. Following the Civil War in the country, there were thousands of disabled war veterans, orphans and widows. Immediately after the war, a majority of Americans were either disabled or helpless dependents of diseased breadwinners. The situation led to the development of a generosity pension program with the same features as Social Security Program that would later develop. For soldiers, a pension program was passed long before the establishment of the Social Security Program (in 1776 even before the signing of Declaration of Independence). All through the country’s ante-bellum period, the government paid pensions of limited types to all veterans of various wars. The first fully fledged pension developed in America for the maiden time upon the creation of Civil War Pensions. In January 1935, Committee on Economic Security introduced

Friday, October 18, 2019

How well does 'conservative' describe Burke's political philosophy Essay

How well does 'conservative' describe Burke's political philosophy - Essay Example In a short biography published in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (2004) it is stated that ‘British statesman, parliamentary orator, and political thinker prominent in public life from 1765 to about 1795 and important in the history of political theory; he championed conservatism in opposition to Jacobinism in Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)’ (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2004) . In fact, the support of conservatism by Burke was clear. However, as already stated above it was because such a view was not clearly expressed that Burke was not considered to be a supporter of conservatism. Towards the above direction, it is noticed by Parkin (1956, 1) that ‘it is commonly affirmed that the peculiar genius of Burke lay in his capacity to contemplate the sphere of politics under the aspect of moral law, to reach out for the unchanging principles of morality in the contingencies of political action’. In other words, Burke was actively involved in politics. H owever, his participation was not direct; he kept on writing (and publishing) his views trying to influence the development of specific political and social ideas within the British society. In other countries also his work influenced the philosophical thought; this influence was not catalytic, i.e. his ideas were hardly adopted in their full content; they were more likely to be used for the justification of theories and principles that referred to morality and political framework in that particular period. It is for this reason that Parkin notices: ‘yet the study of his political thought hardly seems to have accorded the moral question the priority which it deserves; if, in Burkes opinion, the principles of true politics are those of morality enlarged, the most important question to ask about Burke must be what precisely, for him, the principles of morality were’ (Parkin, 1956, 1). In accordance with the above view, one of the main weaknesses of Burke’s theories has

Business Report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business - Lab Report Example As it is seen, the most of customers are between 31 and 50 years (58 %). The same percentage of customers are 20-30 years old and 51-60 years old (15 % and 18 % respectively). 9 % of the customers are older than 60. The same approach is used to estimate the percent frequency for the net sales. The minimum sale is 13.23 $, and the maximum sale is 287.59 $. Ten bins are defined and COUNTIF Excel function was used to determine the percent frequency distribution. The results are presented in the Table 4. 3. To get a cross tabulation of type of customer (regular or promotional) versus net sales it is necessary to separate net sales for these two groups and than define frequency for the established bins. As it is seen from the table for each sales region, the number of customers is greater for the group of promotional customers. The difference between two groups increases with the increase of net sales amount. For instance, the net sales for the region 13-40 $ is 1.7 times greater for the group of promotional customers; more than two times greater for the regions 40.01-68 $ and 68.01-96 $; and three times greater for the range 96.01-180 $. Net sales greater than 180 $ are only in the group of the promotional customers. The most of sales was made for the sum less than 124 $. Within this range, two times more sales were made in the group of the promotional customers. The following conclusions can be made based on the results of the statistical analysis. Most of customers are married women between 30-50 years and use Proprietary Card as a preferable payment method. More than a half of customers buy 1-2 items, and, typically the purchase amount is less than 124 $. As the promotional coupons were not sent to the regular clients, the promotion attracted more clients that are new. The amount of net sales for the group of the promotional customers is more than 2 times greater than for the group of the regular customers. Discounts also attracted the

Final Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final - Term Paper Example international market regions of Europe, it had to bear varied types of challenges and issues such as barriers in international trade, mitigation as well as investment (Beall, 2010). But due to the support of municipal government, all such international barriers reduced significantly that amplified its position and brand image in the entire globe among other rival players such as General Motors, Toyota etc. As a result of which the total sale and profitability of the organization enhanced that proved effective for the government of the Europe among other neighboring nations. The economic condition of the country enhanced as well as the rate o unemployment and poverty reduced to a significant extent (, 2014). Other than this, at the time of expansion in the new market region of Europe, the organization of Ford Motors had to analyze the taste and preferences of the customers so as to improve its prosperity and portfolio in the market (Bradley, 2012). Moreover, due to the active participation of municipal government, the policy related issues such as tariff barriers, subsides to local firms etc reduced significantly that amplified its reputation and market share in the markets of Europe among others (Ford, 2014). The organization of Ford Motors had to bear varied types of political challenges such as tariff rates, trade restrictions due to political instability in the nation of Europe. As a result of which, the brand image and competitiveness of the organization of Ford Motors attained a serious set-back (Kazmi, 2010). Economic factors: inflation is one of the important causes that hindered the total sale and prosperity of the organization of Ford Motors within the region of Europe as compared to many others. As a result, the organization had failed to enhance its profit margin and demand of the products that hindered its portfolio and prosperity in the market among others. Social factors: as the preferences of the customers are changing at a rapid pace so

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Globalization of Financial Markets SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Globalization of Financial Markets SLP - Essay Example nd of the Second World War, organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the GATT has spearheaded efforts for trade and development the world over (Caruana, 2007). Thus the goal of globalization is fast becoming a reality. The GATT gave way to the WTO or World Trade Organization on January 1, 1995. The WTO is a better representative of world trade with a membership of more than 150 countries of all sizes from various parts of the globe. However, globalization has been regarded as a two edged sword by some developing nations. They state that opening their borders to the more developed nations result in a gain to the developed economies while putting themselves at a loss. This is because the international franchises fast take over the new territories. People are attracted to them and spend a lot of money there, resulting in capital outflows to the developed world. There is a strong case for protecting the home industries from being ruined by opening the doors to globalization. Also the membership of the WTO requires adherence to the principles of non-discrimination, reciprocity, binding and enforceable commitments and transparency, the larger and more stable economies generally get more favorable status . Standards of quality control demanded by developed nations like the ISO certification may be hard to achieve by less technologically developed nations (Berniker et al., 2001). Let us take the case of Brazil. Brazil is one of the world’s leading economies and has the fastest growth in Latin America. It imports machinery, oil, electrical and transport equipment, chemicals, electronic goods and auto parts (CIA World Factbook, 2011). It exports steel, paper, iron ore, soybeans and coffee. China, the USA and Argentina rank among its best trading partners in terms of volume of trade conducted with them. Exposure to world markets has undoubtedly affected the price of coffee and soybeans both at home

Healthcare Costs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Healthcare Costs - Assignment Example A look into the year 2005, expenditure on health care was about $2 trillion or $6,697 per capita, which correspond to 16% of the GDP. The continued rise in health spending over the last four decades is going to go higher, and the expenditure will reach $4trillion, which is 20% of the GDP, by the year 2015. For many years, the continued increase in health care expenditure has been the center of heated debate in the US for many years. Research work and anecdotal reports influence further concerns. This points out that the rise in the health care expenditure is likely to harm the US economy. Expenditures on health care have the potential to affect an economy in a number of diverse and complex ways. In addition, the emerging effects may vary across all sectors of an economy as well as across population groups. One notable impact of increased expenditure on health care is the decline in the general economic growth. However, the same effect has the potential to boost economic growth in som e sectors of an economy. Therefore, gaining an understanding of how increased expenditure on health care affects the economy requires an evaluation through various dimensions (Eaton et al, 2002). The state, Federal, and the local governments have the duty to collect taxes from households and business premises. The tax collections help to finance public health insurance programs as well as providing direct health care to households. On the other hand, the businesses are responsible for providing employment to households and health insurance to their employees. Therefore, the households emerge as the final consumers of the health care and at the same time bear some costs on health care (Eaton et al, 2002). It is worth noting that the impacts of health care on a single sector are likely to affect results from other sectors. An example is a situation where the government reduces its expenditure on health care by reducing the eligibility for public health insurance. This action by the go vernment leads to an increase in un-insurance rates among households. At the same time, an increase in health care expenditure in also likely to cause an increase in taxes, reduction on investments on other critical sectors or increased government borrowing. It is also likely that companies will cut down employment and investment as a result of increased expenditures on health care (Eaton et al, 2002). The other likely effect of increased health care expenditures is inflation on the US economy. This will cause goods and services from the US to be less competitive in the international market because increased expenditures on health care will lead to an increase in product prices. Finally, increased expenditure on health care is likely to make health care inaccessible to many, produce bankrupt consumers, and reduce peoples’ retirement savings (Pauly et al, 2009). Impacts of the affordable health care for America Act HR 3962 On November, 2009, the House of representatives passed the Affordable Health Care for America Act with a vote of 220 to 215. The aim of this Act is to offer affordable, quality health care to all Americans. The bill is a multifaceted one and addresses diverse issues concerning the improvement of the health care system. Improvements on the health system include expansion of health insurance coverage, amending Medicare payments regulations in both traditional and advantage plans.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Final Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final - Term Paper Example international market regions of Europe, it had to bear varied types of challenges and issues such as barriers in international trade, mitigation as well as investment (Beall, 2010). But due to the support of municipal government, all such international barriers reduced significantly that amplified its position and brand image in the entire globe among other rival players such as General Motors, Toyota etc. As a result of which the total sale and profitability of the organization enhanced that proved effective for the government of the Europe among other neighboring nations. The economic condition of the country enhanced as well as the rate o unemployment and poverty reduced to a significant extent (, 2014). Other than this, at the time of expansion in the new market region of Europe, the organization of Ford Motors had to analyze the taste and preferences of the customers so as to improve its prosperity and portfolio in the market (Bradley, 2012). Moreover, due to the active participation of municipal government, the policy related issues such as tariff barriers, subsides to local firms etc reduced significantly that amplified its reputation and market share in the markets of Europe among others (Ford, 2014). The organization of Ford Motors had to bear varied types of political challenges such as tariff rates, trade restrictions due to political instability in the nation of Europe. As a result of which, the brand image and competitiveness of the organization of Ford Motors attained a serious set-back (Kazmi, 2010). Economic factors: inflation is one of the important causes that hindered the total sale and prosperity of the organization of Ford Motors within the region of Europe as compared to many others. As a result, the organization had failed to enhance its profit margin and demand of the products that hindered its portfolio and prosperity in the market among others. Social factors: as the preferences of the customers are changing at a rapid pace so

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Healthcare Costs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Healthcare Costs - Assignment Example A look into the year 2005, expenditure on health care was about $2 trillion or $6,697 per capita, which correspond to 16% of the GDP. The continued rise in health spending over the last four decades is going to go higher, and the expenditure will reach $4trillion, which is 20% of the GDP, by the year 2015. For many years, the continued increase in health care expenditure has been the center of heated debate in the US for many years. Research work and anecdotal reports influence further concerns. This points out that the rise in the health care expenditure is likely to harm the US economy. Expenditures on health care have the potential to affect an economy in a number of diverse and complex ways. In addition, the emerging effects may vary across all sectors of an economy as well as across population groups. One notable impact of increased expenditure on health care is the decline in the general economic growth. However, the same effect has the potential to boost economic growth in som e sectors of an economy. Therefore, gaining an understanding of how increased expenditure on health care affects the economy requires an evaluation through various dimensions (Eaton et al, 2002). The state, Federal, and the local governments have the duty to collect taxes from households and business premises. The tax collections help to finance public health insurance programs as well as providing direct health care to households. On the other hand, the businesses are responsible for providing employment to households and health insurance to their employees. Therefore, the households emerge as the final consumers of the health care and at the same time bear some costs on health care (Eaton et al, 2002). It is worth noting that the impacts of health care on a single sector are likely to affect results from other sectors. An example is a situation where the government reduces its expenditure on health care by reducing the eligibility for public health insurance. This action by the go vernment leads to an increase in un-insurance rates among households. At the same time, an increase in health care expenditure in also likely to cause an increase in taxes, reduction on investments on other critical sectors or increased government borrowing. It is also likely that companies will cut down employment and investment as a result of increased expenditures on health care (Eaton et al, 2002). The other likely effect of increased health care expenditures is inflation on the US economy. This will cause goods and services from the US to be less competitive in the international market because increased expenditures on health care will lead to an increase in product prices. Finally, increased expenditure on health care is likely to make health care inaccessible to many, produce bankrupt consumers, and reduce peoples’ retirement savings (Pauly et al, 2009). Impacts of the affordable health care for America Act HR 3962 On November, 2009, the House of representatives passed the Affordable Health Care for America Act with a vote of 220 to 215. The aim of this Act is to offer affordable, quality health care to all Americans. The bill is a multifaceted one and addresses diverse issues concerning the improvement of the health care system. Improvements on the health system include expansion of health insurance coverage, amending Medicare payments regulations in both traditional and advantage plans.

Reigniting Your Passion for God Essay Example for Free

Reigniting Your Passion for God Essay The creative force behind all great art, all great drama, all great music, all great architecture and all great writing is passion. Nothing great is ever accomplished in life without passion. Nothing great is ever sustained in life without passion. Passion is what energizes life. Passion makes the impossible possible. Passion gives you a reason to get up in the morning and go and say, I’m going to do something with my life today. Without passion life becomes boring. It becomes monotonous. It becomes routine. It becomes dull. God created you with the emotions to have passion in your life and He wants you to live a passionate life for Him. Passion is what mobilizes armies into action. Passion is what causes explorers to boldly go where no man’s gone before. Passion is what causes scientists to spend late night hours trying to find the cure to a dreaded disease. Passion is what takes a good athlete and turns him or her into a great athlete where they’re breaking records. You’ve got to have passion in your life. One day a man walks up to Jesus and he says, Lord, what’s the most important thing in the Bible? And you know what the Great Commandment is. We’ve talked about it many times. Jesus said, I want you to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength. Nothing matters more than that. That’s the number one thing in life. I want you to love Me passionately. Nothing else matters in life if you don’t love God with passion. God doesn’t want you to love Him half-heartedly. He wants you to love Him with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength. I love the paraphrase of that verse, Mark 11:30, from The Message Jesus said, ’Love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy. Circle the word passion. That word, in Greek, is the word heart. God is saying I want you to put some muscle into it, put some energy, put some emotion into your relationship with Me. Don’t be a wimp about your relationship with Me. Don’t be namby-pamby. Don’t be half-hearted. Give it all you’ve got. Jesus is saying, If you’re going to follow Me, you’ve got to go it with passion. You’ve got to give it some oomph, some spark, some zip, some enthusiasm, some zest. In other words I want you to live your life with me passionately. In fact, this truth is all through the Bible. The Bible tells us that we’re to seek God passionately. We’re to love God passionately. The Bible says that we’re to serve and obey God passionately. We’re to trust God passionately. Then as if you didn’t get the message, in Colossians 3:23 He says Whatever you do, do it with all of your heart as unto the Lord and not unto men. He says I want you to do everything passionately when it comes to loving Me, serving Me, living for Me. Here’s the amazing thing. In America it’s ok to be passionate about anything except God. That is not politically correct to be passionate about God. I can be passionate about movies. I can be passionate about sports. I can be passionate about politics. I can be passionate about fashions and clothes. I can be passionate about restaurants. But I cannot be passionate about God. That’s a no-no. I typed in the phrase a passion for into and found a couple hundred books with that title. There’s a book call A Passion for Birds, A Passion for Books, A Passion for Cactus, A Passion for Chocolate (that’s understandable), A Passion for Fashion, for Fishing for Flying, for Gardening, Golf, Hunting. There’s even a book called A Passion For Mushrooms. A Passion for Needlepoint, Pasta, Ponies. There’s a book called, A Passion for Potatoes, for Roses, for Shoes. There’s even a book called A Passion for Steam. I can’t figure out what that one’s all about! I don’t know why you’d get passionate about steam. But in our culture today it’s ok to be passionate about anything except your religion, except your faith, except your relationship with God. I can go to a concert, or a political rally or a baseball game and I can shout my head off. I can get excited. I can get hoarse from yelling so loud. When my team loses I could cry. Nobody thinks that’s a big deal. When my team wins I can jump up and dance around and wave my hands in the air. If I do that at a game people go, He’s a real fan! But if I do that in church people say, He’s a fanatic! He’s a nut case. You don’t want to get too emotional about your faith. Its ok about anything else but not that. Romans 12:1 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor. Keep the fires going in your life. Circle the word keep. Notice, it’s not automatic. It’s a choice. It’s a discipline. It’s something you must maintain. You are not by nature passionate about God. It’s something that you must choose to do. You get distracted and everything in life conspires to keep you from being passionate about God. So He says keep your passion going. Keep the fires going. It’s a discipline. It’s not just automatic. This kind of thing being passionate about God has nothing to do with either your personality or your age. Our churches are filled with hundreds if not thousands of senior believers who have walked with God a long, long time and are still passionate. But everything in life conspires to keep you from being passionate. And it dissipates your energy. When you first become a believer and you really understand what a good deal you’ve got you get excited about it, This is quite a big deal! All my sins were forgiven. I now have a purpose for living, and I now have a future home in heaven. What a deal! And you get excited about that when you give your life to Christ and you’re pretty passionate. But as time goes by you begin to lose your steam. You begin to lose your zip, your zest, your enthusiasm. What happened? Why does that happen? That’s what we’re going to look at today. As we go through God’s word we’re going to look at seven passion killers, things that rob the joy out of your life. I thought this would be a very appropriate message, right in the middle of winter, when nobody feels very passionate about much of anything. You want the warmth of summer back. So this morning we’re going to look at these passion killers together. I want you to use it as a checklist. Because God says, I want you to love Me with all of your heart.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Living A Guilt Free Life Philosophy Essay

Living A Guilt Free Life Philosophy Essay There are millions of people who are constantly living with feelings of guilt. Some feel guilty if they eat a rich dessert. Some feel guilty whenever something goes wrong, thinking they should have tried to prevent it. Some feel guilty because they recovered from some accident while others did not. Some feel guilty about their past behavior. Some just feel guilty about anything and everything. It is crucial that you dig deep inside you and find out what it is that you truly feel. You need to realize that abusers will abuse no matter what you say or do and that you are not responsible for their behavior. Do not let your guilt mislead you into believing that it is you who did something wrong. You need to accept that you are the one being wronged and you need to speak out or seek help. Survivors Guilt is best described as a mental condition. It occurs when someone believes that he or she must have done wrong by being a survivor or a tragic or traumatic event. You may feel guilty that you survived a car accident that killed a family member. You may thing that you did not deserve to live through a war. You probably feel that you should have died instead of your mother. Survivors guilt can be very destructive. It can lead you to condemn or punish yourself for being alive. You can become debilitated by depression. The best way to deal with survivors guilt is to talk about what happened. It will help you accept the fact that there are others who feel such feelings and that you are not alone. You need to let grief take it full course. Allow yourself to grieve. Try to find a support group or network. Seek help from professional counselors. They can guide you through the recovery process. Break The Guilt Cycle Guilt often turns into a cycle that is self-perpetuating. What happens is you do something, you feel guilty, you condemn or punish yourself, and you repeat the behavior whenever the opportunity presents itself. The cycle keeps repeating itself because you are unable to take responsibility of what you do or for changing yourself. How do you begin to take responsibility? You must try to be honest. You need to honestly consider what part you play in the situation and accept it. If you are in an abusive relationship, you need to honestly look deep inside and accept that you did not do anything wrong. how to let go of guilt If you are feeling guilty for having done something wrong (healthy guilt), you need to take action to fix the situation. There are so many people who are just mega-gluttons for self-punishment; guilt is like a huge anchor weighing us down. It is easy to say Im sorry-it wont kill you. If you have offended someone by saying something offensive, apologize. You may find that it is not only more challenging to recognize that your busy work schedule is putting your marriage at risk, but also to actually make changes in your schedule. Healthy guilt keeps us in line. It tells us that we need to do something different from what we are currently doing so that we can fix relationships that are valuable to us. The sooner we make amends for what we have done wrong, the sooner the guilt will leave us alone. Accept that you did something wrong, make amends and move on. Learn from your behavior The purpose of guilt is not to make us miserable. Guilt is trying to tell us that there is something we can learn from what has happened. If we learn, it will be less likely that we will make the very same mistake again. Let us say that you have made a hurtful comment to someone, your guilt is telling you that (a) you should apologize and (b) take time to think about what you are going to say before you say it. If the guilt that you are feeling is not trying to correct an actual wrong behavior (unhealthy guilt), then there is not much for you to learn. So instead of wracking your brains on how to change the behavior, you need to understand why such a behavior is making you feel so guilty. Let us say that you feel guilty about not being a good mother because you are not with your kids 247. Since you are a single parent, you need to work so you can provide a good future for your kids. There is no need for you to feel guilty. You are working for your kids sake. Being their shadow and staying glued to them 247 wont put food on the table for them to eat. No human being anywhere on this earth, or elsewhere, is perfect. Even the person you look up to as a hero has some flaws. Striving to be 100% in control all the time and making sure every tiny thing is perfect is a recipe for disaster. All of us make mistakes and there are so many of us who take a path that can make us feel so guilty later in our lives. All we need to do is realize that we made a mistake and accept that we are not perfect. Spending every waking moment regretting something is not going to change anything. All it will do is disable you from moving on in your life. You are not perfect, neither is the rest of humanity.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Review of University Days by James Thurber Essay examples -- James

In the essay, â€Å"University Days† James Thurber does a sensational job keeping the reader’s interest throughout the entire story. He explains his college experiences in a way that makes the reader both interested and amused at the same time. Thurber portrays the message that the all-star football player was not the brightest bulb on the tree, which is humorous because many people can relate to that because it’s the same at their school. The author uses a creative writing style to try and capture his audience’s attention throughout the entire essay. He uses descriptive wording, humor, and stories that relate to the reader to accomplish his goal of telling his college stories in an exciting and memorable way. The descriptive wording used in this essay contributes to the enjoyment of the story. Many authors just tell stories without going in-depth and it makes the reader’s mind wander. That’s why Thurber’s style is so effective; he explains every situation very clearly and also backs them up with examples. He recalled the story about his classmate, Bolenciecwcz who was seen as the star of the football team. He was reminiscing on a time in particular that their teacher asked the football player what form of transportation he took to get to school. Bolenciecwcz had a tough time comprehending the question and was beginning to feel some pressure from his classmates to answer the question correctly. He was having so much trouble searching for an answer that the author described the situation by saying, â€Å"At this time, Bolenciecwcz was staring at the floor, trying to think, his great brow furrowed, his huge hands rubbing together, his face red.†(346) His classmates burst out into laughter at this point; in order to help the speechless... ...rd work really does pay off. This is an example that if a person fails the first try, rather than quitting, they should work even harder to accomplish the task. All of these examples were extremely influential on Thurber’s life and changed him into a more responsible person. The author’s unique writing style which includes; descriptive wording, humorous quotes, and stories that relate to the reader contribute to making the essay very easy to follow along with and it also helps enhance the excitement of the story. Thurber’s style allows him to express his thoughts in a way that makes the reader laugh and want to continue reading on. This is a sensational short story that I recommend to anyone looking to read a well-written essay or even anyone just trying to get a laugh. It’s a quick and easy read, and his creative writing styles make the story well worth it!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

To Kill A Mockinbird: From Novel to Motion Picture :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creating a motion picture from a novel and conveying the author’s intended message is a difficult task. Some film makers gracefully meet the challenge, while others fail, warping the original meaning of the novel in order to appeal to he general movie going population. Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird novel to movie transition is a mid-ground between the two extremes. Lee’s theme of tolerance is neither completely destroyed nor completely expressed. The absence of characters Dolphus Raymond and Link Deas, along with the change in Dill’s personality in the movie contributes to the deterioration of Lee’s original theme of tolerance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dolphus Raymond is a white man who lives among the black community and is with a white woman. â€Å"The Negroes sat quietly in the sun, dining on sardines, crackers, and the more vivid flavors or Nehi Cola. Mr. Dolphus Raymond sat with them.† (163) Mr Raymond’s ability to look past the racial prejudices of the time and live with the black community displays his personal integrity and helps to convey the theme of racial tolerance, showing that a white man can live peacefully alongside Negroes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Link Deas is a plantation owner who treats his black employees kindly. For example, when Bob Ewell gave Mrs. Robinson trouble when she passed by his house on the way to work, Link Deas threatened to take Mr. Ewell to court if he ever did it again. Mr. Deas also stood up for Tom in the courtroom. Link Deas’s show of tolerance and kindness towards blacks is essential to Harper Lee’s theme of tolerance and his absence takes away from the theme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the novel Dill is portrayed as an innocent and caring person, while in the movie he doesn’t have any personality at all. Dill’s sympathetic nature in the novel helps to portray Lee’s theme of tolerance by showing that people are born with compassion and only change as a result of their environment.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Animal Farm: the Story of Animals Were Overworked, Tied and Starved Essay

The attitude you have towards work can be greatly influenced by how the person in charge runs things. This statement is true in George Orwell’s allegorical novella â€Å"Animal Farm.† The attitudes of the animals of Manor Farm (later changed to Animal Farm) change depending on who is in charge of it. Under Mr. Jones’ rule, the animals were overworked, tired and starved, and they did work only to avoid being beaten. Under the reign of Snowball and Napoleon, the animals were tired but they were well fed and happy to do work. This is because the work they did benefited themselves, rather than humans who gave nothing back to them. Finally, under Napoleon’s supremacy, the animals liked work less and less because they were tired, overworked and underfed.. So, as you can see, the person who is in control of animal farm affects the way the animals feel about work. Mr. Jones was the cruel owner of Manor Farm, later changed to Animal Farm. While he was in control he starved, overworked and beat the animals to get them to work harder so he could earn a greater profit. (QUOTE) The animals feel enraged due to the fact that Mr. Jones makes them work so hard for his own gain and then gives nothing back to them. The animals end up revolting against him, running him off the farm and claiming it for themselves. So, since Mr. Jones was such a bad ruler, the animals had a negative attitude towards him and the work he made them do. After the passing of Old Major, Napoleon and Snowball gained control of Animal Farm, formerly known as Manor Farm. Snowball had a persuasive voice, was very intelligent and was an overall good leader.Napoleon, on the otherhand, was not a great public speaker, was not as intelligent as Snowball, nor was he as good a leader. Under their govern, they ran the farm smoothly.All animals were fully fed and the work the animals put into the farm, they got back. (QUOTE) By being able to benefit themselves rather than a greedy human, the animals were glad to get down to work. So, since the animals in control ran the farm smoothly, the working animals were happy to do their work, just as long as it benefited themselves. Napoleon was a cruel, selfish and manipulative pig. He was the sole ruler of Animal Farm after he had gotten Snowball run off the farm.At first, Napoleon lead the animals into thinking that the work they did was to profit themselves. Instead, the only ones who were benefiting were the pigs. (QUOTE) It was not until later that they realized that they were overworked, starved and tired. None of what they put into their work, did they get back. Napoleon, along with taking more than his share, also had his dogs slaughter any person who could turn into a possible opponent. Lastly, Napoleon was a bad leader because he broke all the seven commandments and then tried to cover it up by having Squealer alter them. So, as you can see, due to the fact that Napoleon was such a cruel and selfish leader, the worker’s attitude’s towards work was negative. Depending on who was in govern, the animal’s attitude towards work altered. If someone cruel was in control, such as Mr.Jones or Napolen, the animals would have a negative attitude because they were being overworked,starved, and nothing benefited them. On the otherhand, if someone nice and intellingent was in power, such as Snowball, the animals were happy to go to work due to the fact that they were getting back what they put into it. So as you can see, depending on who is in control will greatly influence the way workers feel towards their jobs.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Graffiti’s impact on society Essay

Who is responsible for the pervasion of this so called â€Å"artcrime† in today’s society The word â€Å"graffiti† is derived from the Latin term â€Å"graphium† which means â€Å"to write†. Graffiti evolved during ancient times but first impacted on modern society in the late 1960’s, when political activists used it as a medium of revolt against governing powers. Thereafter, individual artists began to gain recognition. TAKI 183 was the first known artist to write tags, starting in central New York subways. After seeing the regular appearance of TAKI 183’s tags, new artists began to flourish throughout New York City, establishing personal tags visible to almost everyone. The artists’ goal was to be the most prolific and visible, leaving tags on subways, buses, trains and walls around the city. Graffiti later developed into an â€Å"art form†, where the writer with the most unique style and conspicuous presence was deemed the best. While the competition between artists in New York reached boiling point at this time, the rest of the world began to experience the first of these so called â€Å"artcrimes†. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Graffiti is just another form of art, and art is all self expression, legally or illegally†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Inevitably, laws were introduced aiming to control the outbreak of graffiti artists. This provoked a race amongst artists to paint as many trains and subways as possible, before the law caught them. The recognition of style and technique gained more appreciation by fellow writers as the use of vivid colours and seemingly cryptic language developed. The original style of tagging progressively became an artform. Today there is a definite distinction between â€Å"tagging† to deface and  Ã¢â‚¬Å"street art†. Graffiti has developed over time to create a complex social framework, involving breakdancing, DJing, MCing and graffiti to form a popular youth culture referred to as â€Å"The urban Hip-Hop culture†. These arts arose from New York, where gangs used these various methods as a way of self expression and often in other ways to settle arguments. Recently, legal â€Å"street art† has been used by local government and youth centres to discourage the tagging and vandalism which regularly occurs in their area, to present to the upcoming youth a form of self expression without involving illegalities. But unfortunately, official attempts are often in vain. The reason these artists enjoy painting walls results from â€Å"the adrenaline rush involved in expressing yourself illegally, which in our case just happens to be via graffiti. To me graffiti is just another form of art, and art is all self expression, legal or illegal† states local Perth artist Dave K. Dave goes on to say, â€Å"The ultimate rush comes from painting in a more difficult place, especially trains. There are plenty of new kids to the scene who just tag for a â€Å"kick† but don’t understand the deeper meaning of graffiti as an artform and it’s those people who give us a bad name.† Yet the continuation of youth projects such as that at the Claremont Showgrounds show a positive effect on the community, lighting up the walls and reducing vandalism in the area. †¦ â€Å"A surfer travels the world for the perfect wave, writers travel the world for the perfect train yard†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Senior policeman, Constable, Nick Steele, has become a full time youth advisor, and organises legal graffiti for the kids of Perth. He says, â€Å"We use it as a gateway for the kids, to discourage the unartistic forms of graffiti like tagging and scratching, and encourage youth to get involved in projects such as the Claremont Showgrounds wall. To me these projects have positive effects on the kids and the community.† We can expect more legal graffiti to be organised in the near future. The graffiti explosion has touched over 75% of the world, creating a worldwide network where writers from Australia may travel in Europe to paint trains†¦ â€Å"Graffiti is similar to surfing, as a surfer travels the world for the perfect wave, writers travel the world for the perfect train yard,† says renowned artist CES of New York. The complexity of today’s youth culture continues to grow. Today’s graffiti problem is commonly considered a burden on society, as the regular removal of graffiti costs an enormous amount of money. An estimated $15 billion (US) worldwide each year is spent on the consistent removal of sprayed, marked and scratched surfaces. If, as Constable Steele suggests, the artistic form of graffiti as street art can override the more defacing form of tagging & scratching, the graffiti culture may yet prove an asset to society by minimising graffiti done as vandalism.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Argumentative Essay : Fighting The Cost Of College Tuition

Fighting the cost of college tuition is a hot topic these days. As long as I can remember, tuition has always been a reason why most people don 't pursue their bachelor’s or even associate degree. Today 's society has changed students are fighting for grants, financial aid, and even loans to pay through school. In order to be financially comfortable in the 15th century a college education is a must. It is an everyday battle getting financial support from a college’s administration. Colleges need to be more affordable, obtaining funds less stressful, and colleges must enact policies that condone these principles. According to the New York Times article by Steve Cohen, the soaring cost of college a 1,225 percent increase since 1978, nearly twice the rate of the rise in health care costs is such a problem for most families that politicians across the board are actually taking notice. The main people that are affected by the tuition increase are middle-class families. Beca use low-income and middle class families rely heavily on government scholarship and private loans to pay through school. On average, students are graduating with more than $50,000 in loan obligations, and parents often have to borrow even more money. The interest rates on private loans are higher than an average car loan, and each year the interest just increases. I believe there is a simple solution for all this, colleges should offer tuition deferment, offering alternative to traditional loan programs letting students defer up to 80 percent of the cost of attending school. Such as tuition, room, board, and fee and they have up to 30 years more or less. By doing so it gives the parents a peace of mind, and it gives the student enough time ill benefit the whole nation, it will offer more government sponsored programs such as, Pell Grants to students. It will also balance the income gap between those with a college education and those without. Companies are trying to build their work force with skilled employees by offering to pay for a higher education. Companies understand it will be cheaper to pay an employee to get an education than hire a new grad. To motivate employees many companies are requires a Masters degree in order to move up in management. The number of people graduating High School each year is increasing, but the number of college graduates is decreasing due to cost. The wage gap between a bachelor’s degree and high school diploma is dramatically different; because of getting a higher education is so expensive individual decide to start working right from high school regardless of pay.